Message of Felicitations Sent by President U Thein Sein on the Occasion of the 46th Anniversary of the Founding of ASEAN

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President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar H. E. U Thein Sein sent a message of felicitations on the occasion of the 46th Anniversary of ASEAN Day.

The full text of the message is as follows:-

Esteemed National brethren of Myanmar,

On the auspicious occasion of the 46th Anniversary of the founding of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), I would like to extend the warm greetings to the people of Myanmar and the people of ASEAN and wish ASEAN all the success in building One vision, One identity, One community.

The political, economic and social situation in the South East Asian region when ASEAN was established in 1967 by the adoption of the Bangkok Declaration was very much different from those of the present time. We all have witnessed the success of the ASEAN as our region becomes the center of attention and the people of ASEAN have enjoyed all-round development. We can see the ten ASEAN Member States in unity have borne fruitful results based on the efforts of an individual state.

Today, the world has been facing the consequences of globalization such as extreme modernization, economic interdependence and unprecedented advance in information technology. No single country can overcome these challenges alone but only collectively.

As a regional organization, ASEAN has spared no efforts in maintaining peace and friendship in the region, gaining economic competitiveness and narrowing the development gaps among themselves.

Esteemed National brethren of Myanmar,

We are very encouraged of the successful implementation of the Blue Prints of the three pillars of the 2015 ASEAN Community, namely the ASEAN Political and Security Community (APSC), ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC).

We commend the achievements of the ASEAN Political and Security Community building, including international recognition of the South East Asia Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC); the progress in the implementation of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD); the establishment of ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR); and the cooperation in the non-traditional security matters.

In the ASEAN Economic Community building, the promotion of the economic and trade relations with our Dialogue Partners, which are leading countries of the international economy, have benefitted the ASEAN member states. The increase in intra-ASEAN trade, the establishment of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) within the region and with the Dialogue Partners, the realization of the Master Plan of ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) and the Public Private Partnership (PPP) in economic sector are contributing to the Economic Community building.

The noble aim of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community is building a people-centered community in a caring and sharing society. It is inclusive, harmonious and enhancing the well-being, livelihood, and welfare of the peoples. The efforts to achieve equal status of education, health and living standards of children, youths, women and men in ASEAN member states by fairly distributing the outcome of the ASEAN Community are underway.

Accordingly, after 46 years of its existence, ASEAN has been recognized as a rule-based inter governmental organization with legal personality since the adoption of the ASEAN Charter and the successful regional organization in political, economic and social sectors as well. It has been proven by increasing numbers of the Ambassadors accredited to the ASEAN.

Esteemed National brethren of Myanmar,

Myanmar will take the ASEAN Chairmanship in 2014 for the first time since she has joined the organization 16 years ago. We will be taking a leadership role in gaining the momentum of ASEAN achievements; in fulfilling the 2015 ASEAN Community targets; and in laying down the ASEAN Vision beyond 2015.

The political, economic and social reforms in Myanmar have given her more opportunity in strengthening the integration with the member states of ASEAN in the ASEAN Community. The people-centered democracy in Myanmar is in line with the ASEAN Charter. It has facilitated the economic development of the country and accordingly helped the increase of social status of the people. At the same time, Myanmar’s efforts to implement the ASEAN Community Blueprints have positive effects on the country’s political, economic and social objectives.

The willingness and participation of the entire Myanmar people to strive for a modern and developed nation and to achieve the goals of ASEAN Community are of vital importance. The member states in the ASEAN family, while trying to develop individually, have to cooperate each other hand in hand. Myanmar is committed to try her best in contributing towards ASEAN Community by taking advantage of the position as a land bridge between ASEAN and its Dialogue Partners.

We will assume the 2014 ASEAN Chairmanship by ensuring the centrality of ASEAN; by obtaining ASEAN consensus; and by representing ASEAN in strengthening and promoting closer relations with external partners.

Myanmar has determined with might and main to undertake successfully the role of Chairmanship with the support of ASEAN member states and its Dialogue Partners.

Esteemed National brethren of Myanmar,

On the auspicious occasion of celebrating the 46th anniversary of ASEAN, I wish to urge the people of Myanmar-

– To take part actively in assuming the 2014 Myanmar ASEAN Chairmanship,

– To strive for the emergence of people-centered, peaceful and prosperous ASEAN Community for ASEAN People.

Source: Official website of the Office of the President

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